1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call
3. Closed Session 3.1. Adjourn to closed session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, Personnel, to deliberate regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee, 551.071, Consultation with the Board's attorney; and 551.072, Real Property. 4. Reconvene 4.1. Reconvene to Public
Meeting Opening 5.1. Prayer 5.2. Presentation of Colors by the Mansfield High School JROTC 5.3. Pledges
District Recognition 6.1. Academic Recognitions 6.2. Athletic Recognitions 6.3. Business Services Recognitions
Instructional Focus 7.1. Lone Star Governance -- GPM 1.1 -- Kristi Cobb 7.2. State Assessment and Accountability -- Dr. Sean Scott and Brandon Johnson 7.3. Special Populations -- Lesa Shocklee
Human Resources Report 9.1. 20+ Years Recognition 9.2. Recommendations for Board Approval 9.3. Introductions
10.1. Consideration and Approval of Minutes from the 3/23/2021 Called Board Meeting, 3/02//2021 Called Board Meeting and the 2/23/2021 Regular Board Meeting 10.2. Consideration and Approval of Proposed Budget Amendments 10.3. Consideration and Approval of Proposed Bid Proposals 10.4. Consideration and Approval to Designate Surplus Property 10.5. Consideration and Approval of Extension of Resolution #21-10 for Temporary Revision of DH (LOCAL) 10.6. Consideration and Approval of TEA Request to Restrict Student Access for DP Morris, Imogene Gideon and Tarver Rendon -- 4th Grade 10.7. Consideration and Approval of TEA Attestation Statement for ADA Hold Harmless 10.8. Consideration and Approval of TEA Low Attendance Waiver for Phoenix Academy 10.9. Consideration and Approval of TEA Waiver for Missed School Days Due to Inclement Weather 10.10. Consideration and Approval of the GMP for the Center for Performing Arts and Ben Barber Innovation Academy Phase 3 Renovations 10.11. Consideration and Approval of Administrative Contract Renewals 10.12. Consideration and Approval for Engagement of Independent Auditors 10.13. Consideration and Approval of Board Meeting Date Changes for the 2021-2022 School Year 10.14. Consideration and Approval of License Agreement with the City of Mansfield for Wi-Fi Purposes
11. Superintendent's Report 11.1. Delinquent Tax Reports 11.2. Disbursement Reports 11.3. Financial Reports 11.4. Investment Reports 11.5. Property Tax Collection Report 11.6. EC Accountability 11.7. Enrollment Report 11.8. Attendance Percentage Report 11.9. MISD Committees Report 11.10. Facility Rental Revenue Report 11.11. Resignations 11.12. Resignation Reasons 11.13. Superintendent New Hires 11.14. Report on Purchasing Cooperative Fees Paid 11.15. 2017 Bond Program Report 12. Adjourn 12.1. Adjourn
1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call
3. Closed Session 3.1. Adjourn to closed session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, Personnel, to deliberate regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee, 551.071, Consultation with the Board's attorney; and 551.072, Real Property. 4. Reconvene 4.1. Reconvene to Public
Meeting Opening 5.1. Prayer 5.2. Presentation of Colors by the Mansfield High School JROTC 5.3. Pledges
District Recognition 6.1. Academic Recognitions 6.2. Athletic Recognitions 6.3. Business Services Recognitions
Instructional Focus 7.1. Lone Star Governance -- GPM 1.1 -- Kristi Cobb 7.2. State Assessment and Accountability -- Dr. Sean Scott and Brandon Johnson 7.3. Special Populations -- Lesa Shocklee
Human Resources Report 9.1. 20+ Years Recognition 9.2. Recommendations for Board Approval 9.3. Introductions
10.1. Consideration and Approval of Minutes from the 3/23/2021 Called Board Meeting, 3/02//2021 Called Board Meeting and the 2/23/2021 Regular Board Meeting 10.2. Consideration and Approval of Proposed Budget Amendments 10.3. Consideration and Approval of Proposed Bid Proposals 10.4. Consideration and Approval to Designate Surplus Property 10.5. Consideration and Approval of Extension of Resolution #21-10 for Temporary Revision of DH (LOCAL) 10.6. Consideration and Approval of TEA Request to Restrict Student Access for DP Morris, Imogene Gideon and Tarver Rendon -- 4th Grade 10.7. Consideration and Approval of TEA Attestation Statement for ADA Hold Harmless 10.8. Consideration and Approval of TEA Low Attendance Waiver for Phoenix Academy 10.9. Consideration and Approval of TEA Waiver for Missed School Days Due to Inclement Weather 10.10. Consideration and Approval of the GMP for the Center for Performing Arts and Ben Barber Innovation Academy Phase 3 Renovations 10.11. Consideration and Approval of Administrative Contract Renewals 10.12. Consideration and Approval for Engagement of Independent Auditors 10.13. Consideration and Approval of Board Meeting Date Changes for the 2021-2022 School Year 10.14. Consideration and Approval of License Agreement with the City of Mansfield for Wi-Fi Purposes
11. Superintendent's Report 11.1. Delinquent Tax Reports 11.2. Disbursement Reports 11.3. Financial Reports 11.4. Investment Reports 11.5. Property Tax Collection Report 11.6. EC Accountability 11.7. Enrollment Report 11.8. Attendance Percentage Report 11.9. MISD Committees Report 11.10. Facility Rental Revenue Report 11.11. Resignations 11.12. Resignation Reasons 11.13. Superintendent New Hires 11.14. Report on Purchasing Cooperative Fees Paid 11.15. 2017 Bond Program Report 12. Adjourn 12.1. Adjourn