1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Meeting Opening 1. Prayer 2. Pledges
District Recognition 1. MISD 2020 Teachers of the Year
Instructional Focus 1. Lone Star Governance Update - GPM 2.1, 2.1, 2.3 - Elise Buchhorn
Presentation 1. Vision 2020 Scorecard: 2019-2020 Adjustments – Dr. Sean Scott 2. Student Device Committee Update & Recommendation – Kyle Davie
Public Comments 1. The correct procedure for addressing the Board during Public Comments is as follows: Members of the public were invited to email their public comments to the address published on the MISD website. Those comments will be read by a member of the MISD staff at this time. All comments regarding items on the agenda will be limited to three minutes. Copies of presentations should be made available to all trustees and the Superintendent. Board policy prohibits the discussion of complaints against district employees during an open forum.
Human Resources Report 1. Recommendations for Board Approval 2. Over 20 Years
Business Items Requiring Board Action 1. Consider Adoption of Resolution #20-23 or the TASB Advocacy Agenda 2. Consider Extension of Resolution #20-17 Regarding District Procurement Processes During the COVID-19 Shutdown 3. Consideration and Approval of TEA CPR Requirement Waiver 4. Consideration and Approval of TEA Excused Absence Waiver 5. Consideration and Approval of TEA Instructional Material Inventory Waiver 6. Consideration and Approval of TEA Missed School Days Waiver 7. Consideration and Approval of Student 1:1 Device Purchase 8. Consideration and Approval of Resolution #20-24 Addressing Wage Payments for Employees During Emergency Closure 9. Consider Approval of Nomination for the TASB Board of Directors, Region 11, Position C
1. Consideration and Approval of Bid Proposals 2. Consideration and Approval of Budget Amendments 3. Approval of Minutes from the 4/28/2020 Regular Board Meeting and the 5/12/2020 Called Board Meeting 4. Consideration and Approval of Bible Literacy Teacher Training Waiver 2020-2021 5. Consideration and Approval of Second Reading EIF (LOCAL) Revision
Superintendent's Report 1. Delinquent Tax Reports 2. Disbursement Reports 3. Financial Reports 4. Investment Reports 5. Property Tax Collection Report 6. MISD Committees Report 7. EC Accountability 8. 2017 Bond Program Report May 2020 9. Accepted Resignations 10. Resignation Reasons 11. Superintendent Approved New Hires
12. Closed Session 1. Adjourn to Closed Session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, Personnel, to deliberate regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee, 551.071, Consultation with the Board's Attorney; and 551.072, Real Property. 13. Reconvene 1. Reconvene to Public 14. Adjourn 1. Adjourn
1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call 3. Meeting Opening 1. Prayer 2. Pledges
District Recognition 1. MISD 2020 Teachers of the Year
Instructional Focus 1. Lone Star Governance Update - GPM 2.1, 2.1, 2.3 - Elise Buchhorn
Presentation 1. Vision 2020 Scorecard: 2019-2020 Adjustments – Dr. Sean Scott 2. Student Device Committee Update & Recommendation – Kyle Davie
Public Comments 1. The correct procedure for addressing the Board during Public Comments is as follows: Members of the public were invited to email their public comments to the address published on the MISD website. Those comments will be read by a member of the MISD staff at this time. All comments regarding items on the agenda will be limited to three minutes. Copies of presentations should be made available to all trustees and the Superintendent. Board policy prohibits the discussion of complaints against district employees during an open forum.
Human Resources Report 1. Recommendations for Board Approval 2. Over 20 Years
Business Items Requiring Board Action 1. Consider Adoption of Resolution #20-23 or the TASB Advocacy Agenda 2. Consider Extension of Resolution #20-17 Regarding District Procurement Processes During the COVID-19 Shutdown 3. Consideration and Approval of TEA CPR Requirement Waiver 4. Consideration and Approval of TEA Excused Absence Waiver 5. Consideration and Approval of TEA Instructional Material Inventory Waiver 6. Consideration and Approval of TEA Missed School Days Waiver 7. Consideration and Approval of Student 1:1 Device Purchase 8. Consideration and Approval of Resolution #20-24 Addressing Wage Payments for Employees During Emergency Closure 9. Consider Approval of Nomination for the TASB Board of Directors, Region 11, Position C
1. Consideration and Approval of Bid Proposals 2. Consideration and Approval of Budget Amendments 3. Approval of Minutes from the 4/28/2020 Regular Board Meeting and the 5/12/2020 Called Board Meeting 4. Consideration and Approval of Bible Literacy Teacher Training Waiver 2020-2021 5. Consideration and Approval of Second Reading EIF (LOCAL) Revision
Superintendent's Report 1. Delinquent Tax Reports 2. Disbursement Reports 3. Financial Reports 4. Investment Reports 5. Property Tax Collection Report 6. MISD Committees Report 7. EC Accountability 8. 2017 Bond Program Report May 2020 9. Accepted Resignations 10. Resignation Reasons 11. Superintendent Approved New Hires
12. Closed Session 1. Adjourn to Closed Session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, Personnel, to deliberate regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee, 551.071, Consultation with the Board's Attorney; and 551.072, Real Property. 13. Reconvene 1. Reconvene to Public 14. Adjourn 1. Adjourn