1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call
3. Closed Session 1. Adjourn to Closed Session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, Personnel, to deliberate regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee, 551.071, Consultation with the Board's Attorney; and 551.072, Real Property. 4. Reconvene 1. Reconvene to Public
Meeting Opening 1. Prayer 2. Pledges
District Recognition 1. Teacher Appreciation Week (May 4-8, 2020)
Instructional Focus 1. HB3: Pre-K & Reading Academies Update - Kristi Cobb, Director of Early Literacy 2. Branded School: Roberta Tipps STEAM Academy – Cristina Hernandez
Presentation 1. Bond Update -- Joel Falcon
Discussion 1. TASB Advocacy Agenda
Public Comments 1. The correct procedure for addressing the Board during Public Comments is as follows: Members of the public were invited to email their public comments to the address published on the MISD website. Those comments will be read by a member of the MISD staff at this time. All comments regarding items on the agenda will be limited to three minutes. Copies of presentations should be made available to all trustees and the Superintendent. Board policy prohibits the discussion of complaints against district employees during an open forum.
Human Resources Report 1. Recommendations for Board Approval
Business Items Requiring Board Action 1. Consideration and Approval of EIF (LOCAL)-Revision 2. Consider Approval of the District's Emergency Operations Plan Update 3. Consider Extension of Resolution #20-17 Regarding District Procurement Processes During the COVID-19 Shutdown 4. Consider Approval to Extend Resolution #20-20 Addressing Wage Payments for Employees During Emergency Closings
13. Consent Agenda 1. Consideration and Approval of Bid Proposals 2. Consideration and Approval of Budget Amendments 3. Approval of Minutes from the 3/16/2020 Emergency Called Board Meeting, 3/24/2020 Regular Board Meeting and 4/14/2020 Called Board Meeting 4. Consideration and Approval of House Bill 3 District and Campus Goals 5. Consideration and Approval of the City of Mansfield Temporary Drainage Easement through Future Middle School Site to M3 Ranch Development 6. Consideration and Approval of Change Order No. 1 to Lee Lewis Construction, Inc. for Alma Martinez IS 7. Consideration and Approval of Change Order No. 1 to Lee Lewis Construction, Inc. for Brenda Norwood ES 8. Consideration and Approval of Change Order No. 1 to Lee Lewis Construction, Inc. for Donna Shepard IS 9. Consideration and Approval of Change Order No. 1 to Pogue Construction, Playground Renovations to Twenty-Eight Schools 10. Consideration and Approval of Early College High School Waiver 11. Consideration of Approval of 2020-2021 Employment Contracts for Administrators and Professionals 12. Consider Approval of the Johnson County Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP) Memorandum of Understanding 2020-2021 13. Consideration and Approval of Awarding the Category 2 RFQ 02212020-140867 -NE+ WAP for E-Rate Funding Year 2020 14. Consider Approval for Engagement of Independent Auditors 15. Adjourn
1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call
3. Closed Session 1. Adjourn to Closed Session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, Personnel, to deliberate regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee, 551.071, Consultation with the Board's Attorney; and 551.072, Real Property. 4. Reconvene 1. Reconvene to Public
Meeting Opening 1. Prayer 2. Pledges
District Recognition 1. Teacher Appreciation Week (May 4-8, 2020)
Instructional Focus 1. HB3: Pre-K & Reading Academies Update - Kristi Cobb, Director of Early Literacy 2. Branded School: Roberta Tipps STEAM Academy – Cristina Hernandez
Presentation 1. Bond Update -- Joel Falcon
Discussion 1. TASB Advocacy Agenda
Public Comments 1. The correct procedure for addressing the Board during Public Comments is as follows: Members of the public were invited to email their public comments to the address published on the MISD website. Those comments will be read by a member of the MISD staff at this time. All comments regarding items on the agenda will be limited to three minutes. Copies of presentations should be made available to all trustees and the Superintendent. Board policy prohibits the discussion of complaints against district employees during an open forum.
Human Resources Report 1. Recommendations for Board Approval
Business Items Requiring Board Action 1. Consideration and Approval of EIF (LOCAL)-Revision 2. Consider Approval of the District's Emergency Operations Plan Update 3. Consider Extension of Resolution #20-17 Regarding District Procurement Processes During the COVID-19 Shutdown 4. Consider Approval to Extend Resolution #20-20 Addressing Wage Payments for Employees During Emergency Closings
13. Consent Agenda 1. Consideration and Approval of Bid Proposals 2. Consideration and Approval of Budget Amendments 3. Approval of Minutes from the 3/16/2020 Emergency Called Board Meeting, 3/24/2020 Regular Board Meeting and 4/14/2020 Called Board Meeting 4. Consideration and Approval of House Bill 3 District and Campus Goals 5. Consideration and Approval of the City of Mansfield Temporary Drainage Easement through Future Middle School Site to M3 Ranch Development 6. Consideration and Approval of Change Order No. 1 to Lee Lewis Construction, Inc. for Alma Martinez IS 7. Consideration and Approval of Change Order No. 1 to Lee Lewis Construction, Inc. for Brenda Norwood ES 8. Consideration and Approval of Change Order No. 1 to Lee Lewis Construction, Inc. for Donna Shepard IS 9. Consideration and Approval of Change Order No. 1 to Pogue Construction, Playground Renovations to Twenty-Eight Schools 10. Consideration and Approval of Early College High School Waiver 11. Consideration of Approval of 2020-2021 Employment Contracts for Administrators and Professionals 12. Consider Approval of the Johnson County Juvenile Justice Alternative Education Program (JJAEP) Memorandum of Understanding 2020-2021 13. Consideration and Approval of Awarding the Category 2 RFQ 02212020-140867 -NE+ WAP for E-Rate Funding Year 2020 14. Consider Approval for Engagement of Independent Auditors 15. Adjourn