1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call
3. Closed Session 1. Adjourn to Closed Session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, Personnel, to deliberate regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee, 551.071, Consultation with the Board's attorney; and 551.072, Real Property. 2. Adjourn to closed session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.0821 to discuss a matter regarding a public school student if personally identifiable information about the student will necessarily be revealed by the discussion. 3. Adjourn to closed session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.071 to consult with the District’s attorney on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Open Meetings Act, specifically to receive advice on the hearing process. 4. Reconvene 1. Reconvene to Public 2. Action on Items Discussed in Closed Session
Meeting Opening 1. Prayer 2. Presentation of Colors -- Lake Ridge High School ROTC 3. Pledges
Superintendent's Star Awards 1. Superintendent's Star Awards -- September 2017
Commendations 1. Commendations and recognition of students, staff and others who have significantly impacted the Mansfield Independent School District
Community Partnership Award 1. Appreciation for organizations within the community for their exemplary commitment to the Mansfield ISD and partnership in education
Human Resources Report 1. 20+ Years Recognition 2. Recommendations for Board Approval 3. Introductions
Instructional Focus 1. Campus Cadence of Accountability Demonstration for T.A. Howard Middle School -- Jonathan Schilder 2. Campus Cadence of Accountability Demonstration for Brooks Wester Middle School -- Jennifer Powers 3. Two-Way Dual Language Update -- Joshua Garcia
Presentation 1. Dr. Sarah Jandrucko Academy for Early Learners - Learning Experiences Update -- Paul Thompson 2. Facilities and Operations Annual Report -- Dr. Paul Cash 3. Partnership Between MISD and Salvation Army: Providing Aid to Communities Impacted by Hurricane Harvey -- Donald Williams
Public Comments 1. The correct procedure for addressing the board during Public Comments is as follows: Each speaker should address the board from the podium microphone and state his or her name and address before speaking. All speakers will be limited to five minutes to make comments. When five or more persons represent a group, one person should be appointed to present their views. Copies of presentations should be made available to all trustees and the superintendent. Board policy prohibits the discussion of complaints against District employees during an open forum.
Public Hearing to Discuss State Financial Accountability Rating for MISD (Schools FIRST)
Business Items Requiring Board Action 1. Consideration and Approval of Resolution 18-08 of the Board of Trustees of Mansfield Independent School District for Disposal of Surplus Property 2. Consider Nominations by Resolution to Fill Vacancies on Board of Directors for Tarrant County Appraisal District 3. Consider Nominations by Resolution to Fill Vacancies on Board of Directors for Johnson County Central Appraisal District
1. Consideration and Approval of Proposed Budget Amendments 2. Consideration and Approval of Bids received in the Months of August and September 3. School Health Advisory Council 4. 2017-2018 T-TESS Appraisers 5. Approve change Order No. 2 -- Jerry Knight STEM Academy 6. Approve Construction Manager at Risk Contract Agreement for the New Schools and Phase 1 Renovation Projects 7. Approve Minutes from the 9/12/2017, Called Board Meeting and the August 22, 2017, Regular Board Meeting
16. Superintendent's Report 1. Property Tax Collection Reports from Tarrant County 2. Delinquent Tax Attorney Report 3. Disbursement Reports 4. Financial Reports 5. Monthly Investment Report 6. Purchasing Cooperative Fees Report 7. Accepted Resignations 8. Resignation Reasons 9. Superintendent Approved New Hires 10. Approved Student Trips 11. Enrollment Report 12. Attendance Percentage Report 13. EC Accountability -- September 2017 17. Adjourn 1. Adjourn
1. Call to Order 2. Roll Call
3. Closed Session 1. Adjourn to Closed Session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.074, Personnel, to deliberate regarding the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee; or to hear a complaint or charge against an officer or employee, 551.071, Consultation with the Board's attorney; and 551.072, Real Property. 2. Adjourn to closed session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.0821 to discuss a matter regarding a public school student if personally identifiable information about the student will necessarily be revealed by the discussion. 3. Adjourn to closed session pursuant to Texas Government Code Section 551.071 to consult with the District’s attorney on a matter in which the duty of the attorney to the governmental body under the Texas Disciplinary Rules of Professional Conduct of the State Bar of Texas clearly conflicts with the Open Meetings Act, specifically to receive advice on the hearing process. 4. Reconvene 1. Reconvene to Public 2. Action on Items Discussed in Closed Session
Meeting Opening 1. Prayer 2. Presentation of Colors -- Lake Ridge High School ROTC 3. Pledges
Superintendent's Star Awards 1. Superintendent's Star Awards -- September 2017
Commendations 1. Commendations and recognition of students, staff and others who have significantly impacted the Mansfield Independent School District
Community Partnership Award 1. Appreciation for organizations within the community for their exemplary commitment to the Mansfield ISD and partnership in education
Human Resources Report 1. 20+ Years Recognition 2. Recommendations for Board Approval 3. Introductions
Instructional Focus 1. Campus Cadence of Accountability Demonstration for T.A. Howard Middle School -- Jonathan Schilder 2. Campus Cadence of Accountability Demonstration for Brooks Wester Middle School -- Jennifer Powers 3. Two-Way Dual Language Update -- Joshua Garcia
Presentation 1. Dr. Sarah Jandrucko Academy for Early Learners - Learning Experiences Update -- Paul Thompson 2. Facilities and Operations Annual Report -- Dr. Paul Cash 3. Partnership Between MISD and Salvation Army: Providing Aid to Communities Impacted by Hurricane Harvey -- Donald Williams
Public Comments 1. The correct procedure for addressing the board during Public Comments is as follows: Each speaker should address the board from the podium microphone and state his or her name and address before speaking. All speakers will be limited to five minutes to make comments. When five or more persons represent a group, one person should be appointed to present their views. Copies of presentations should be made available to all trustees and the superintendent. Board policy prohibits the discussion of complaints against District employees during an open forum.
Public Hearing to Discuss State Financial Accountability Rating for MISD (Schools FIRST)
Business Items Requiring Board Action 1. Consideration and Approval of Resolution 18-08 of the Board of Trustees of Mansfield Independent School District for Disposal of Surplus Property 2. Consider Nominations by Resolution to Fill Vacancies on Board of Directors for Tarrant County Appraisal District 3. Consider Nominations by Resolution to Fill Vacancies on Board of Directors for Johnson County Central Appraisal District
1. Consideration and Approval of Proposed Budget Amendments 2. Consideration and Approval of Bids received in the Months of August and September 3. School Health Advisory Council 4. 2017-2018 T-TESS Appraisers 5. Approve change Order No. 2 -- Jerry Knight STEM Academy 6. Approve Construction Manager at Risk Contract Agreement for the New Schools and Phase 1 Renovation Projects 7. Approve Minutes from the 9/12/2017, Called Board Meeting and the August 22, 2017, Regular Board Meeting
16. Superintendent's Report 1. Property Tax Collection Reports from Tarrant County 2. Delinquent Tax Attorney Report 3. Disbursement Reports 4. Financial Reports 5. Monthly Investment Report 6. Purchasing Cooperative Fees Report 7. Accepted Resignations 8. Resignation Reasons 9. Superintendent Approved New Hires 10. Approved Student Trips 11. Enrollment Report 12. Attendance Percentage Report 13. EC Accountability -- September 2017 17. Adjourn 1. Adjourn