Meeting Opening 1. Agenda 2. Call to Order 3. Prayer 4. Pledges 5. Roll Call
Closed Session 1. Adjourn to Closed Session pursuant to Texas Government Code Sections 551.074 to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee, specifically to include the Superintendent's evaluation and contract and self-evaluation of the Board; 551.071, consultation with the Board's Attorney; and 551.072, Real Property.
Reconvene 1. Reconvene to Public 2. Action on Items Discussed in Closed Session
Business Items Requiring Board Action 1. Consider Approval of Guaranteed Maximum Price for Pkg. 2 of the Dr. Sarah Jandrucko Academy for Early Learners, MISD 2011 Bond Program
Work Session 1. Presentation of the New School Sites, MISD 2017 Bond Program -- John Schmitt 2. Cadence of Accountability Presentation for TASA/TASB Convention -- Holly Teague 3. Honor Board Interview -- Holly Teague
Closed Session 1. Adjourn to Closed Session pursuant to Texas Government Code Sections 551.074 to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee, specifically to include the Superintendent's evaluation and contract and self-evaluation of the Board; 551.071, consultation with the Board's Attorney; and 551.072, Real Property.
3. Reconvene 1. Reconvene to Public 2. Action on Items Discussed in Closed Session 6. Adjourn 1. Adjourn
Meeting Opening 1. Agenda 2. Call to Order 3. Prayer 4. Pledges 5. Roll Call
Closed Session 1. Adjourn to Closed Session pursuant to Texas Government Code Sections 551.074 to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee, specifically to include the Superintendent's evaluation and contract and self-evaluation of the Board; 551.071, consultation with the Board's Attorney; and 551.072, Real Property.
Reconvene 1. Reconvene to Public 2. Action on Items Discussed in Closed Session
Business Items Requiring Board Action 1. Consider Approval of Guaranteed Maximum Price for Pkg. 2 of the Dr. Sarah Jandrucko Academy for Early Learners, MISD 2011 Bond Program
Work Session 1. Presentation of the New School Sites, MISD 2017 Bond Program -- John Schmitt 2. Cadence of Accountability Presentation for TASA/TASB Convention -- Holly Teague 3. Honor Board Interview -- Holly Teague
Closed Session 1. Adjourn to Closed Session pursuant to Texas Government Code Sections 551.074 to deliberate the appointment, employment, evaluation, reassignment, duties, discipline, or dismissal of a public officer or employee, specifically to include the Superintendent's evaluation and contract and self-evaluation of the Board; 551.071, consultation with the Board's Attorney; and 551.072, Real Property.
3. Reconvene 1. Reconvene to Public 2. Action on Items Discussed in Closed Session 6. Adjourn 1. Adjourn